CHIFF Legislation Gaining Momentum
Senators Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, Mary Landrieu and Representatives Michele Bachmann and Trent Franks, along with 45 other lawmakers are advocating for The Children in Families First (CHIFF) Act with continued support.
Below is an AP article detailing the effort that will realign U.S. foreign assistance to prioritize protecting children by preserving, reunifying or creating families through kinship domestic and international adoption, and strengthen procedures to prevent abuse of children without families.
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AP: Spurring foreign adoptions is goal of bipartisan bill in Congress
December 25, 2013
By David Crary
Amid partisan conflict in Congress, dozens of lawmakers from both parties — including staunch liberals and conservatives — have united behind a bill that supporters say addresses a heart-rending issue beyond politics: the millions of foreign children languishing in orphanages or otherwise at risk because they have no immediate family.
The bill would encourage more adoptions of foreign orphans, which have declined steadily in recent years, and reflects impatience with current policies overseen by the State Department.
“Every child needs and deserves to grow up in a family,” says the bill's chief advocate, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La. “While our foreign policy has done much to keep children alive and healthy, it has not prioritized this basic human right.”