CEO Notes
We have 15 families in China this week for their adoption. Additionally, in our Ethiopia Program we have 10 families preparing to travel for court, and over 20 children traveled/will be traveling home with their families in March. We have a family returning from Russia and a different family planning on traveling soon; we expect another family to be traveling to Brazil later this month. Praise God for continuing to build families according to His plan for adoption!
Our ministry partner, His Little Feet Children’s Choir, is still touring. Check out their schedule to see if they’ll be coming to a church near you.
America World’s first mission trip to Haiti is this coming week. Please lift the team leader and entire team up in your prayers for their service in orphanages in Haiti.
A colleague of mine recently wrote an article about international adoption and I think many of you may be interested in reading this; he talks about his personal journey of becoming an adoptive parent and learning more about some of the issues involved with intercountry adoption.
Hopefully many families will be participating in the upcoming Summit VIII organized by the Christian Alliance For Orphans, of which America World Adoption is a member. This is an annual conference that brings together many great speakers, inspirational leaders in orphan care, hosts informative workshops and allows the Church to pray, plan, worship, learn, work and fellowship all surrounding the topics of adoption and orphan care. This year’s Summit will be at Saddleback Church in California; I plan on being there and I hope many of you will be able to join as well.
-Brian Luwis, CEO