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CEO Notes

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:5

I love this verse because it reminds me of our dependence upon the Lord, and it’s a reminder that we need to acknowledge him in everything we do.  We have a lot to give God the credit for: He has blessed our agency tremendously this past year with the opportunity to continue to find permanent families for children.  A number of weeks ago we completed our three-thousandth adoption placement and it was an exciting benchmark to see how far we’ve come and how many families we’ve been fortunate to work with.  To God be the glory for all the beautiful families that are built through adoption!

I’m excited about the America World Disney Cruise that is scheduled for February 2012.  We received great feedback when we did this previously and are excited to be able to offer this opportunity again.  Our hope is that many families can reunite with their travel groups and meet other Christian adoptive families.  I think that the few days we’ll have together on the cruise will be a very memorable time for all who can attend.

Our agency is looking forward to the Christian Alliance for Orphan’s Summit VII in Kentucky.  We’re sending staff from different programs to attend the trainings and to meet with our adoptive families.  We hope to see many of you there!

If you aren’t following us on Facebook – please take a second to check out our agency’s profile:  We want this to be a forum for families to connect with one another and a platform to help other families learn about adoptoin and about our agency.  If you’re already connected with us on Facebook – please consider recommending us to your Facebook friends!

-Brian Luwis, Founder & CEO


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