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CEO Notes

This has been another busy week.  On Tuesday evening, our agency was privileged to host a delegation from China’s adoption authority (CCCWA).  It was good to hear about the work these adoption officials are doing and see that they’re continuing to improve their services to children and families.  Thanks to the local America World families who were able to come meet with the delegation.  The CCCWA mentioned how impressed they are with our agency work supporting orphans in China and well as helping families adopt children with special needs, through our China Waiting Child Program.

China families

I also had the privilege of meeting with an adoption official from Ethiopia on Thursday, along with four or five of the America World local families who have adopted from Ethiopia.  It was great catching up with these families and hearing about their experiences adopting from Ethiopia.

We’ve been praying for families who are experiencing road-bumps in their adoption process.  As a reminder, our agency meets at 9am every workday to pray for families, waiting children and the work of our agency.  We hope that you’ll let your family coordinator or social worker know how we can be praying for you.

-Brian Luwis

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