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CEO Note

Last week I posted about boys waiting to be adopted and I wanted to make sure that families also know there are still a lot of girls who are available as part of our China Waiting Child Program.  There are many young girls with medically correctible needs who have often already received surgery while  in orphanage care.  Families interested in learning more should contact Melissa or any China Family Coordinator for more information. It is possible for families to receive a referral call on the same day their waiting children program application is approved as there are hundreds of referrals available for adoption at this moment, in addition to groups of new referrals arriving each month.

We have a lot of families in both Ethiopia and China right now.  We’re praying for these families as they bond with their children.  We are also praying for the families preparing to travel for court appointments before the court closes in Ethiopia for over a month.  Email us and let us know how we can be praying for your family.  We love hearing from families knowing how we can pray for you. 

Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. –Psalm 46:10



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