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CCAA Completes Referral Matching

The CCAA has confirmed that they have just completed the referral matching for families whose dossiers were logged in June 3rd through June 9th, 2006.  The CCAA matched 7 days worth of LID’s. America World’s next referral group is logged in on June 19,2006.  We do not know how many log in dates the CCAA will process in their upcoming next group of referrals. The average trend of processing is generally 2-8 LID dates each month.

Please note that while June 19, 2006 represents AWAA’s next group waiting for a referral, there are still other agencies around the world with various LID’s waiting to be matched prior to June 19, 2006. The CCAA matches families with referrals in a systematic manner and in order of the next date(s) on the calendar to be processed.  An agency that doesn’t have any families LID on the upcoming dates being matched will not receive referrals until the CCAA reaches their next Log in Date. This ensures that every family who has the same log in date, will receive referrals at the same time. (unless there is an issue in question regarding the family’s dossier- in which case a family would be notified) Log in dates vary throughout the calendar year for every agency’s families.


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