Carl Family Adoption Story: Part 3
If you’ve been following the America World blog over the past couple of weeks, you may remember the Carl family. They have kindly shared their adoption story with us as they journeyed to China to meet their newest daughter, Mia. If you missed the first two posts you can see them here and here!
After a few days of travel and sightseeing, the Carl family traveled next to their daughter’s province. After many months, the long-awaited day had arrived! It was finally here; Mia Monday!
Mia’s dad, Jonathan, captures the moment best, “Here she is world…meet our newest daughter Mia Grace Carl! It was a beautiful Gotcha Day with so many answered prayers! God is faithful and has been with us each step of this journey. We know He will continue walking with us and while today may have gone better than we could have ever thought, we know there will be heartache that sets in and hurt, anger, sadness and so much more in the days ahead, He will be with us then too! Mia has prayed for this day for so long as have we and so many of you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! She is precious and so worth the wait and prayers! Esther 4:14- “Perhaps you have been created for such a time as this!”
Jonathan went on to share, “When our Mia arrived we were so thrilled!! Her smile lights up the room and her laugh is infectious! She is so shy and quiet with her lips but communicates clearly in her eyes. Her listening & understanding of English is phenomenal! What a blessing!! And her desire to be adopted so moved our hearts.
Older children in China have to agree to be adopted. Can you imagine the changes they are agreeing to? The fears, uncertainties, and challenges they face? Mia had to agree to be adopted by us. She had to be willing to join our family. And she did. It was so beautiful to watch her write out her name, add her fingerprint, and indicate that she wanted us. Brittney couldn’t hold back the tears, Sophia sat right by her side in that special moment and Jonathan was, of course, taking pictures!
And we wanted her. We signed our names along with our fingerprint about 20 times, writing statements of our desire to love her for a lifetime and our promise to care for her. The paperwork was a necessary, but important part of a beautiful gift of our forever daughter.”
Next week we’ll share the final steps of their journey as they completed their time in-country and prepared to travel home and begin bonding as a family of 6!
Called to Adopt from China?
For 25 years, America World has been working with Chinese adoption authorities to find moms and dads for children who wait. Our China teams, in the U.S. and in China, have a great deal of experience in bringing children and families together through the miracle of adoption.
Get China adoption information from our China Adoption Overview page.
Begin the China adoption process now by submitting a full adoption application where you can determine the specific medical needs that your family could consider when adopting a child from China.
If you have any concerns about qualifying to adopt from China, you can complete a free pre-application to verify your family’s qualification.
Please share this need with families you know who may be considering adoption from China.
Our Intake team will follow up with pre-applicants and applicants to work on your family’s next steps. Questions? Contact us at or 800-429-3369.