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Butterflies and Birthday Parties: A One Orphan Storyteller Team Update

The Summer is very busy with teams traveling to assess, advocate for and of course… do crafts with the children in our partner orphanages.

Read the latest update below. 

Day 2
It's only the second day in the orphanage and we already feel back at home! The children were even happier today than yesterday to have us back. We started our day by doing several different crafts with some of the older children. This seemed to be something they thoroughly enjoyed because of their participation and attention.


When we left for lunch today, the nannies decided to take us to a bakery nearby. While we were there, we asked them to come back to our hotel for pizza after their work was done for the day and they agreed. Afterwards we came back to the orphanage and played outside with the older kids while Sara and Ashley did health assessments on the children. Then it was time to say goodbye and 7 of the nannies piled into the van.

The conversations we had with these ladies was just more proof that they really do love and care for these children as best as they can. We are so excited about the growing relationships we have with these caretakers. Many of the members on our team love the Chinese culture because of how sweet and welcoming they are.



Day 3
We began our day as we have the others, making a craft. Today each of the children made their own butterfly's and hung them up in the room. (Some of the children made them into hair bows and/or airplanes:) Afterwards we sang some American songs with them and taught them how to dance to them. (Such as the hokey pokey)It's funny how music seems to please children from all around the world. We are literally falling in love with all of these children and don't want to leave them. Friday seems way too soon to leave them for an entire year, but we are thankful to the director and all others who allow us to come. Today we collected toys and activities from a nearby store for a birthday party we will have for the kids at the end of the week. Most of the children have never experienced a birthday party so this will hopefully be something that they won't forget. Thank you so much for your prayers. We are very thankful for the orphanage staff and their love. Look forward to keeping you updated!




One Orphan teams serve in Haiti, Ethiopia, Uganda and China. Learn more about our trip opportunities here. 


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