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Both Hands Project

About a year ago, we felt God tugging on our hearts to begin pursuing our second child. I struggled with this, wondering how we would raise the necessary finances, wondering if we were supposed to do something, or a lot of things, or if He wanted us to sit back and see what He would do. But God’s call was clear, as was the strong assurance from Him that He would provide all we needed to bring this child He had placed in our hearts’ home.

As we prayed, a friend pointed us to a great book called “Adopt Without Debtâ€. An article about a fund-raiser in that book was life-changing for us. It is called BOTH HANDS and is a project that would be similar to a charity golf outing or a walk-a-thon. But the big difference, and the one that pulled us immediately on board, was that instead of doing a one day project just to raise money without any other lasting benefits, this is a one day project that is life changing, community building and literally affecting lives around the world.

Here is the premise: an adoptive family, desiring to bring home a child, yet lacking finances to do so; a widow or widower, trying to hang on to their house, but unable to make needed repairs; a group of friends coming out to work on the house, along with those behind-the-scene folks that help procure supplies and a whole host of friends and family willing to sponsor the adoptive family and friends for the day. We later found out that donations can be accepted on our child’s behalf up until the child comes home!

In the end the widow is blessed, a large group of workers meet and make new friends with each other as they create much more of a sense of community around them, local businesses become involved, and ultimately, others are given the opportunity to be a part of helping a widow and knowing that they were able to help bring a child to their forever family.

James 1:27 tells us “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.â€

To see more details, including a short video of the day (a picture really is worth a thousand words) check out our page at

-Tim and Debbie Swingle


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