Belonging to a Family
My holidays can all be summed up in one word: Family. Whether celebrating birthdays or Easter or Thanksgiving or Christmas, I can’t remember a single holiday where I haven’t received a phone call or email from my parents or a cousin or a sibling, simply to say, “Let’s get together and enjoy the holiday.†The gesture is simple, but simultaneously, it speaks volumes. It reminds me that I am loved; that I have a family to call my own; that I belong.
Many children cannot echo this same sentiment. Hope was abandoned in a marketplace in Gansu, China when she was just a few days old. She is now twenty-three months, loves dancing to music, and enjoys interacting with the other children. She is as precious as any two year old; however, has no one to call her their own.
Through America World’s support of the orphanage that Hope is currently in, she is able to grow in a safe and clean environment while she waits for her forever family. Because of America World’s gifts to provide for basic needs such as bedding, new bottles, fresh water, formula, physician care and educational toys, Hope is being provided with the opportunity to physically and mentally develop as any little girl her age should.
And the most exciting news: Hope’s referral was accepted by a family just last month! By this time next year, a happy, healthy Hope will spend her first holiday season with her family. She will undoubtedly be held and hugged by aunts, uncles and grandparents. In the years to come she will get calls from family members stating, “Let’s get together and enjoy the holiday. I love you; you belong.â€
Orphans around the world today share much of Hope’s story. They have no family to call their own. They have no one to reassure them: “You belong to me. You are an incredible part of my family.†Through our Orphan’s Ticket Home campaign, America World Adoption is changing the lives of the fatherless – transforming them into sons and daughters.
It is such a joy to be able to play a small part in caring for the “Hopes” around the world. I am jealous for others to be able to experience the blessings of echoing the Father’s heart for His children. Prayerfully consider impacting the life of another child like Hope through a gift to our Orphan’s Ticket Home campaign. And please don’t hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions regarding our orphan advocacy efforts.
Just as God has a perfect plan for your family, He has a perfect plan for each and every orphan. Your gift will play a significant role in His plan for one of His children. You may never have the opportunity meet the child that you help; but she will know what it means to be a part of a family because of your investment in her life.
In Him,
Jason West
Brother to four younger siblings by adoption
Director of Development for America World