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Beautiful Adoptions:  The Sefton Family

Beautiful Adoptions: The Sefton Family

At America World, we celebrate referrals and letters of acceptance from China.

We celebrate families who are in-country finalizing their adoptions.

We celebrate a family’s welcome home.

We want to continue celebrating America World families after the process is complete too!

Congratulations to the Sefton family on 6 months home from India with their son Niam! What a joy to see children, many of whom had little hope, now thriving in the families that God ordained for them.

The Sefton family noted in the photo below:

“The next picture is Niam holding an elephant we had in our house before he came home that reminded us to pray for him before he was here and before we even knew he was our son.  It was just neat to be able to take the picture with him holding it now that he is home!”

Adoption from India

November is National Adoption Month. We celebrate adoption and also advocate for the millions of children around the world who want nothing more than a family.

If God is leading you to adopt from India, we would like to provide you with the resources you need to understand the process, the children available, and the first steps. America World is there to walk you through the entire adoption process just like we have done for over 3,500 adoptive families.

Visit our India adoption pages to learn more about India adoption requirements, India adoption costs, and the financial assistance to help with adoption. Our India team would love to answer your questions too! Contact them at or call 800-429-3369.

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