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Be A Storyteller for Jamie!

Jamie China

Back in early December, we about little 1 year, 9 months old Jamie.  She is still needing a forever family to adopt her.  Will you share this information to with your friends and family, or prayerfully consider making her a part of your family?

Jamie is a precious little girl who has albinism. She has a vision impairment due to her condition. Her caretakers say that she likes to be cuddled and gets along well with other children. An AWAA mission trip team member recently visited Jamie's orphanage. A family reviewing her file could speak to the team leader to learn more about the team's observations.

Jamie is from one of our orphanage partnerships. Her file is designated as Special Focus so a family at any stage of the adoption process is eligible to adopt her. Contact our China staff at or call them at 800-429-3369. You can also APPLY HERE today for Jaime, or begin the paperwork for other children on our Waiting Children pages.

China Waiting Children

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