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Be a Storyteller Campaign

Last week was an exciting one here at America World. We launched a new campaign called Be a Storyteller, opened our new online e-store, announced a new adoption program in Kyrgyzstan, and sent our first heritage trip to China. We are feeling refreshed after a long holiday weekend, and look forward to jumping right back to our work and all these great projects!

Red_Storyteller (2)We are encouraged by the number of families that are now Advocates and are telling the stories of orphaned children that we are commited to providing for. There are many ways we can tell stories- by bringing them back from an ACT trip after your world has been expanded by your experience, by sharing with your church community, by hosting children for a few weeks this summer, or as simple as sharing your own story. We all have one, and so do the children. Who is helping them tell their story- will you?

Check out our Storyteller website and please consider joining this exciting mission! We're incredibly grateful for the AW community and the zeal you show in loving the fatherless – it's a blessing to serve with you. 


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