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Be A Storyteller for Timothy!

Jiang Qing Ying Photo 1
Timothy is a precious little boy that likes music and toys that make sound. He is from one of our orphanage partnerships but lives in a foster family. He adores his foster grandma and grandpa. Timothy has been diagnosed with hypospadias and prepuce edema. He also has small measurements and possibly a speech delay. His file notes that at 15 months, he could turn over and crawl. A U.S. doctor has reviewed his file and has provided very helpful feedback for a family to review.

Timothy is designated as Special Focus by the CCCWA, which means a family at any stage of the process is eligible to review his file. Please contact us at 800-429-3369 or if you are interested in adopting Timothy.

#BeAStoryteller for Timothy by sharing this with your friends!

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