Be A Storyteller for Ryan!
Ryan is an active and energetic little boy who loves to play with other children and explore new things. Ryan has a post-operative cleft lip and palate. His surgery was in June 2014. Ryan smiles easily and loves playing hide and seek.
His file is designated by the CCCWA as LID (log-in date of dossier) only, so he is only eligible for matching with a family who has their dossier logged into China.
If you are LID and would like more information on Ryan, please contact our China staff at or call 800-429-3369.
Even though Ryan is “LID”, there are many children on our Waiting Children pages who are designated as Special Focus by the CCCWA, which mean a family at any stage of the adoption process can review files listed as “Special Focus”.
Families can also apply to America World now to begin the adoption process and prepare to be “LID” and eligible for “LID-only” children in the future.
#BeAStoryteller for Ryan!