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Be A Storyteller for Marie

Marie 2
We would like to introduce you to Marie.  She was added to our Waiting Child list fairly recently and we want to help her find her forever family.

Marie was described by her visitors from an America World ACT mission team as quite, sweet, beautiful and as a ‘bright little girl.’ Marie is diagnosed with congenital developmental anomaly of palms and fingers, syndactyly, psychomotor retardation, alimentary anemia and syndactyly of the right foot. Marie can use her fingers to grasp toys, play with her feet, and support a bottle. She can pass toys with her feet to her hands. She seems to adapt to strange places/people quickly, she gets excited to see those she recognizes and is quick to reach out for a hug or a cuddle!

Marie is designated by the CCCWA as a Special Focus file and is from one of America World's orphanage partnerships. A family at any stage of the process is eligible to review her file.  To learn more about Marie contact our China staff at 800-429-3369 or .  More Waiting Children are listed on our Waiting Child pages too. Login or request a password for access to see those waiting for a family.

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