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Be A Storyteller for Joseph!

Photo 2_Yang Yu Lin
Joseph was born with cervical meningomyelocele on his neck. He had surgery for this when he was 14 months old and the procedure was successful. A CT scan report dated June 2014 notes that he may have hydrocephalus. A family reviewing his file would be able to inquire more about this to see if this is a concern or not. His file notes delayed psychomotor development but it is stated that he does have normal muscle tension and is a smart boy. As of August 2014, he can crawl around and is fond of imitating his caretakers.

Joseph is on the CCCWA's shared referral list. He is from one of our orphanage partnerships and is designated as Special Focus so a family at any stage of the adoption process is eligible to adopt him.

Contact our China staff for more details about Joseph at 800-429-3369 or



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