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Be A Storyteller for Allison!

Allison 3
Allison is described as a sweet little girl is able to run, walk, and jump. She was initially shy with the mission team members who met her, but had good interaction and played well with the other toddlers in the room.

Allison has a repaired cleft lip and unrepaired palate. Her blood work indicates a severe type of anemia. Additional blood work is currently pending to confirm. Her file is designated as LID only, so a family must have a dossier logged in to review her file.

Our China Waiting Child staff can answer additional questions about Allison and help you take the next steps in adopting her if you are LID.  Contact them at or 800-429-3369.  

Families who are not LID (logged in paperwork with the CCCWA) can fill out a free pre-application to be eligible to adopt “LID only” children listed here in the future.

#BeAStoryteller for Allison

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