AWAA Africa Family Reunion
Branson, MO
Labor Day weekend
We are thrilled to announce that 25 families attended the 1st annual AWAA Africa Family Reunion in Branson, MO over the Labor Day weekend! What an incredible time of fellowship and celebrating together the miracle of adoption! We started off the event with a special Meet & Greet at Payne Stewart Country Club. Watching children reuniting with their friends from several Ethiopian orphanages and Transitional Home was a remarkable testimony of God's love and faithfulness.
We spent the weekend exploring the Ozarks… brunch, park fun, Branson show and a day at Silver Dollar City riding rides and connecting with new friends.
My personal highlight was holding again several of the children that had been waiting in Ethiopia for their new families. At the time, they did not understand they were part of a big miracle God was preparing. They are now home thriving, bonding, growing and loving their forever family. Adoption is a gift from God!
We passed the reunion torch to the AWAA Nashville, TN families. See you next year!!
Kari Gibson, Kelly Blackwell & Kim Gillman- Missouri hosts