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Angels in Adoption Gala Through the Eyes of the Holcombes

First I would like to say “Thank You” to AWAA and Brian Luwis for inviting the families to Washington D.C. to attend the Angels In Adoption Gala. For the families involved in the El Salvador program this was a monumental trip. The Lord is working in mighty ways to move the adoption process forward in El Salvador. It seems that more progress has been made in the last two months than any time since the program was opened. AWAA has really been working very hard for the families and we should be appreciative of this fact. Brian invited the Procurador and the Director of OPA to come to Washington and they did. We had a wonderful time visiting with them. Our biggest “fan and family advocate” Carmen, and Alexis were also there. The relationships that are being built are priceless. They are some of the most wonderful people you will ever meet. It is a once in a lifetime chance to meet the people that will directly affect our adoptions. To all the families out there, I have one thing to say, please be patient. This process is getting better and I feel God moving in it.
Now is not the time to “jump ship”. No one ever said this journey would be easy, and it really is a journey. I know this wait is frustrating, we feel it too, but I am sure we will bring children home. Renee and I have never felt led to leave this program. I wish I had some magical words to make everyone feel better, but I don’t. I can tell you that God has a plan for you and He will not fail you. In His time we will bring them home. Thanks AWAA for what you are doing!! Thank you Lord, that you are loving and merciful. Help the families as they wait and continue to open doors and hearts. I love it when I am able to see Your hand in this process and I pray that You will show yourself to us in a mighty and powerful way, for these are Your children and You have called us to this adoption. Amen.

    Terry and Renee Holcombe


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