Andy’s Smile
Last week, you may have read the Nguy Family's Adoption Story. Upon their return home from China with their son, Andy, a friend of their family decided to write a brief poem about Andy’s cleft lip and palate and the lens from which different people may view this condition. We love this sweet perspective and wanted to share it with your family.
Andy’s Smile
By Heather Ward- October 2012
When I smile, sometimes people don’t smile back.
They stare at the cleft in my lip.
My mom always smiles back. She says my smile is like a tunnel. It reaches deep down into my soul.
My dad always smiles back. He says my smile is like a rocket. It makes his spirits soar.
My sister Ellie always smiles back. She says my smile is like sunshine. It brightens her day and warms her heart.
My grandfather always smiles back. He says my smile is like when the Red Sox win at Fenway. It is a celebration.
My grandmother always smiles back. She says my smile is like getting a good fortune cookie. It is a sweet surprise.
My uncle always smiles back. He says my smile is like a donut. It is missing one piece, but still a scrumptious treat.
My aunt always smiles back. She says my smile is like lightening. It is a zigzag surrounded by energy and sparkle.
My friend Adam always smiles back. He says my smile is like a roller coaster ride. It twists up, down, and around. Whee!
My neighbor always smiles back. She says my smile is an ocean wave. It is full of beautiful swirls and curls.
Take a closer look at my smile. I bet you’ll smile too!
If you have ever considered adopting a child with a cleft lip and palate or another medical need, there are many children like Andy who are waiting for a family. There is a great need for families who are open to adopting boys with either repaired or unrepaired medical conditions. Families open to adopting a boy of any age with a repaired or unrepaired condition or interested in adopting a healthy older boy will generally have a shorter adoption process. If your family is interested in learning more about adopting a son or daughter through the Waiting Children Program (children of all ages with a medical/repaired medical need or older healthy boys/girls) please email Waiting Children for more information.