America World’s Domestic Adoption Program
We are excited to announce the opening of a new adoption program of infants born in the United States. Through this program, we are committed to ministering to women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy who are not ready to be parents or who are unable to parent their child. We are seeking Christian families who desire to grow their family through adoption to partner with us in this ministry.
The domestic program will initially be based in Virginia and will expand as it grows. In addition to child placement, many America World offices can provide home study, post placement services, and other legally mandated services through agencies in other states or through private adoption.
A detailed overview of the program is on the Domestic Program Page on our website. You can use the links on the sidebar to learn about travel, costs, requirements, and other helpful resources. Please call us at 800-429-3369 with any questions, or email
We look forward to placing many children in loving Christian homes!