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America World 2015 Calendars

January 2015

The America World 2015 calendars have shipped to those who pre-ordered and we would love to hear what you think of the new design.  We received some truly amazing photos this year from our families, which made our staff's job of selecting calendar winners a very difficult one.

If you have received your 2015 calendar, we would love to hear your feedback about the new design!  Go to our Facebook page to comment or Tweet to @AmericaWorld and let us know what you think.

Did you miss the pre-order deadline and still want a calendar? Do you want to order extras? We have some calendars left for a suggested donation of $20 each.  ORDER YOURS today by selecting General Donation from the drop-down, and note 2015 calendar in the Comments section.  Be sure to start saving those great photos for our next calendar contest the fall of 2015!

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