After 25 Years, Families Still Needed!
25 years later and nearly 5,000 children in forever families, there is one thing we know for sure…There are far too many orphans who still wait for their forever families.
We are incredibly grateful that God has used the ministry of America World to forever change thousands of families. We are grateful to thousands of families for entrusting us with their adoption journey. We are also incredibly grateful for the thousands who are supporting the orphan care initiatives that allow us to provide for the needs of vulnerable children.
We encourage you to be a part of America World’s ministry if you are not already:
- Adopt a Child
- Donate to Support Orphan Care
- Take a Mission Trip
- Advocate for Children Who Wait
- Pray for Our Work!
If you are an America World Adoption family (or “America China Adoption Association” family, prior to 2001), you may recognize the America World website from over the years. There was no real internet in 1994 when we began, but our earliest webpage comes from 2001. Enjoy & share with your travel groups!
Thank you for your support!