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Advocate Today: 3-Year Old, Tanner

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Tanner is a sweet and adorable boy who loves listening to and dancing to music. He is always smiling. He is an active child and his caretakers note that his favorite activity is crawling around. He also loves playing hide and seek with his friends. Tanner also loves playing with toys, especially those that make noises.

Tanner has Down Syndrome. His file also indicates a postoperative congenital heart defect (PDA), which he had surgery for on August 29, 2012. He has recovered well from this surgery. Tanner’s file is from one of our orphanage partnerships and is designated by the CCCWA as Special Focus so a family at any stage of the adoption process is eligible to review his file.

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Current America World families who are interested in adopting Tanner into their family should contact their Family Coordinator about him.

For families not currently in the process of adopting with America World should fill out a quick & simple free PRE-APPLICATION and our Intake staff will follow up with you right away.

Any questions can be directed to our China staff at or 800-429-2269.

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