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Advocate Today: 2-Year Old,Curtis

Curtis 1 STM FB
Curtis is a cute little boy who loves being held. His caretakers describe him as timid and quiet but very curious and interested in observing what is going on around him. Curtis loves listening to music and he waves his arms around when he hears a beat. He’s also very fond of toys, especially ones that make noise.

Curtis has Down syndrome. His file also indicates a post-operative congenital heart defect (TOF), which he had surgery for on August 30, 2013. He also had surgery for his cleft lip and palate on November 13, 2014. He has recovered well from his surgeries.

Curtis’ file is from one of our orphanage partnerships and is designated as Special Focus so a family at any stage of the adoption process is eligible to review his file.

Curtis 3 STM FB(Photo above prior to cleft surgery)

One of our Storyteller Mission teams visited his orphanage in November 2014. One of the team members noted that he was very alert, made good eye contact and showed joyful expressions during interactions. Any family interested in reviewing his file can be put in contact with one of the team members who spent time with him.

Current America World families who are interested in adopting Curtis into their family should contact their Family Coordinator about him.

Families not currently in the process of adopting with America World should fill out a quick & simple free PRE-APPLICATION and our Intake staff will follow up with you right away.

Any questions about Curtis or any Waiting Child can be directed to our China staff at or 800-429-2269.


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