Adopt a Waiting Child from India
Interested in adopting from India? America World is advocating for orphans in India who desperately need a family to call their own. There are children in India with minor to moderate medical needs of any age OR healthy children or sibling sets over the age of six. America World’s India adoption program continues to grow and we would be honored to assist your family.
Children from India may be orphaned due to poverty, disease, family or personal issues. India follows the best practices and standards according to the Hague international adoption guidelines to try to, 1) reunite the child with their biological family if at all possible, and when not possible to, 2) seek a domestic and then, 3) international adoptive family.
America World is a Hague-accredited adoption agency in India and currently has children in India in need of forever families. Our experienced, caring India adoption team will provide personal attention to every detail of your adoption as we walk you through the entire procedure to adopt a child in India. America World has grown to be one of the most respected adoption agencies in India.
We encourage you to look over our India program pages to learn more about our India adoption program. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our India adoption team at or call 800-429-3369.
You can PRE-APPLY to America World for free to determine eligibility (see India Adoption Requirements), or you can take the first step in the adoption process by filling out the full ADOPTION APPLICATION and our Intake team will begin to move you through the process.