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A Waiting Child Perspective: From an America World Mother

The post below was submitted to us by America World mom, Amy Hixson, after reading Friday's blog post this past week regarding the 'China Referral Cut-off Date'


Hixon 1
“Just saw where China has matched December 2006 log in dates for the “healthy child program”. We started out in China's “healthy child program” and had a April 2007 log in date.

I'm so thankful God laid it on our hearts to look into the Waiting Child program. It was a scary thing to think about adopting a child that has a special need!!! But after much time in prayer, seeking God for direction, and doing research we felt lead to switch to the waiting child program in May 2010. I

n July 2010, we were matched with our first daughter. She was born with a cleft palate. When I tell people she is a special needs baby they look at me and say, “What is her special need?” She is a sweet, loving, beautiful, and smart little girl!

In July 2012, God laid it on our hearts to enter the Waiting Child program again. In January 2014, we were matched with our second daughter. She was born with a cleft lip/palate. She is also a sweet, loving, silly, beautiful, and smart little girl!

I am so thankful God laid it on our hearts to switch to the waiting child (special needs) program, if not we would still be waiting on our first daughter. It breaks my heart to think what wonder blessings we would be missing out on, if we had not been obedient to God!

Thank you God for the two wonderful special treasures you have placed in our lifes! I hope this may encourage those in the healthy child program to prayfully consider the waiting child program!” – Amy Hixon, AWAA mother


If you are considering the Waiting Child program but have questions, feel free to contact our staff at or contact your Family Coordinator directly.  We would be happy to talk more about this option for you.


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