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A New Year with Orphan’s Ticket Home

I pray that you had a wonderful Christmas holiday, celebrating our Savior’s birth, with family and friends!

In some small way, I hope that the calendar gift has helped you to enjoy this season even more and that it communicated, in part, America World’s sincerest gratitude to you for the part that you have played in God’s plan of adoption. 

I wanted to take a brief moment to thank you.  You may not know it, but your participation with our Orphan’s Ticket Home campaign is saving lives.  One such life that has been touched and given a hope through your generosity is that of “Marco” in Honduras.  The following report is from one of the team members at the Honduras Permanency Center supported by the Orphan’s Ticket Home campaign:

In 2005, when “Marco” was 2 years old, he began living in an orphanage in Honduras after he was abandoned by his mother. We learned through our investigation that his father has never been in his life.  Even as severe as this situation seems, Marco’s case was inactive in the child welfare system – nobody was working to find a family for Marco, until the Permanency Center staff came to his aid.

Our team was able to take this case on and pour in time and resources over the last 10 months.  Our staff has collaborated with the government child welfare office to do the psychological evaluations, social work investigations and legal steps necessary to move through the system.  The funds we have received for Orphan’s Ticket Home have subsidized Marco’s medical tests and media publications necessary for moving his case forward.  Our lawyer, who was assigned to Marco's case, was diligent to not let details fall through the cracks and to always keep his case moving through the bureaucratic system. 

Much like putting together a puzzle, we had to resolve many things in Marco's file in order to make sure that he was legally adoptable.  In early October 2009, the court declared Marco legally abandoned, opening up the path to adoption.  His case has been officially assigned to the adoption committee and there is already a family who is looking for a boy in his age range.  We hope that Marco is with his new adoptive family in a matter of a few months.


Marco does not know who you are but he will soon know the love of a permanent family because of you.  As the New Year begins and many people make resolutions and plans to better their lives, please consider partnering with America World in our Orphan’s Ticket Home campaign in order to make an orphan’s life better.  Help us bring hope to the other “Marcos” in Honduras, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Rwanda and China through Orphan’s Ticket Home permanency work. 

Would you help us give another child like Marco the opportunity for a family by purchasing a $300 ticket today?  Just click this Orphan's Ticket Home link and fill in the credit card information and you’ll have helped another child on the path to getting a family. 


Brian Luwis, Founder and CEO of America World Adoption

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