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A Missions Trip in Reverse

Today, January 7th, I will be leaving with a small group of folks from my church to go to Kiburara, Uganda on a short-term missions trip.  This is my second year going, and I couldn't be more excited (aside from being a bit nervous that I still haven't packed!). 

One of my favorite aspects of the trip last year, and one that I'm looking most forward to again this year, is being with the children.  The pastor that we help out on these trips also runs an orphan care center for children in the community who have been orphaned due to being abandoned or due to the death of both parents.  Needless to say, these kids (and all the other children from the community) followed our team around everywhere.  They longed for the attention of our team members.  The simple act of picking one of these children up, or holding their hand while walking down the street or teaching them to make silly faces caused the biggest smiles to play across their faces. 

I'm so grateful that I had the opportunity to be a part of such a magnificent experience.  I'm also so grateful to all of my family and friends who continually prayed for me and who went above and beyond and helped support me by giving financially toward my trip.  Their support helped to pay for all of my food, lodging, airfare, medical shots and medicines needed for my two week stay in Uganda.  I'm certain that without their support, I wouldn't have been able to experience one of the key highlights of my life.

Welcoming Angels, America World's hosting program for older orphans, is like a “reverse short-term missions trip.”  Instead of going to oprhaned children half a world away, we are bringing the children here, to the United States, for two to three week stays.  While the children are here, they will stay with host families – all their meals, lodging, clothing, travel and medical expenses will be fully covered.  Hosting programs such as this one, are often the first step for children to be adopted.  Not only do they expose children to American culture, but it exposes families to these wonderful children.

We need your help in order to bring the first group of children (5 children from Ethiopia between the ages of 8 – 13) here this Spring!  Just as I needed the prayerful and financial support of my family and friends, America World needs the support of our families and friends in order to serve these children.  To help make it possible for these children to experience America and be a part of a family, simply click on this link or go to: and select “2011 Older Orphans Hosting Program.”

To find out more specific details about how you can get involved, please don't hesitate to contact Mary Noble, America World's Director of Hosting Program, at


Jason West, Director of Development


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