A Heart Changed: Adoption from a Grandfather’s Perspective
My daughter and son-in-law adopted a little two-and-a-half-year-old girl in 2008 from China. She had severe heart defects and cleft lip and palate. When they first told us they were starting the adoption in the summer of 2007, I was not on board for a while. I very quickly came to terms with the idea and am today blessed to be called “Papa” by this wonderful little girl who is now five years old and very healthy. I love my youngest granddaughter very much.
Sometime in 2009 my daughter and son-in-law told us they were adopting again—this time, a ten-year-old boy from China. I was really not wanting to hear that. I thought this child was too old and we have five grandchildren already, including their three children and my oldest daughter's two children. I didn’t want any more; five was definitely enough. But late in 2009 they began to talk and pray about trying to adopt a five-year-old boy at the same time as their then waiting ten-year-old son. I thought they were crazy. I really thought they had gone off the deep end. I sure didn’t want two more grandsons at the same time! I had five grandchildren already.