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adopting from china

4 Letters of Acceptance from China!

Our China adoption team announced this morning that 4 America World families who are adopting from China received their Letters of Acceptance! These 4 adorable children now officially have forever families, which brings these families one step closer to meeting their children and bringing them home.

America World’s travel team will be working with each family to finalize their travel plans to China, including flights to and within China, hotel confirmations for the entire trip, and coordination with our America World team in China to make sure the families get to all their scheduled appointments and sight-seeing trips.

A big ‘Congratulations’ to these families and their children!

If your family is interested in learning more about adopting from China, please contact our China staff at for more information. Families can view our China Adoption page for more information on children who are currently available and waiting for families.

Are you considering another adoptive country? Email or call us at 800-429-3369 with questions about our Haiti or India programs. Great information is available about all our programs on our Programs Page too.

PRE-APPLY FOR FREE for assistance in qualifying or fill out our full APPLICATION now to begin your adoption process.

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