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pray for orphans

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 12

America World’s goal is to make sure that orphaned children get the opportunity for a better life. We not only help provide shelter, food, education, and medical care to orphaned children around the world but most importantly, we help them get adopted into loving families. This year 100 children have already come home.

As we enter the Season of Hope we are once again entering into a 21-day time of prayer and fasting. Each day has a special scripture focus as well as a devotional written by America World adoptive mom, Cheri Strange. Enjoy Day 12 below, and please continue to join us each day for a time of prayer and devotion as we focus on meeting the needs of children worldwide.

Day 12 of 21 • This day’s reading

Oakley is my Great White Pyrenees. He’s a huge 120 lb. herding dog who loves to run. Although He chews up my favorite lawn furniture and leaves fur everywhere, he is protective, gentle—my constant companion. But Houston, Texas offered no freedom for Oakley. And because we live near the ocean a fence costs more than my daughter’s college tuition. It wasn’t fair or right, but I couldn’t keep my fluffy, white treasure.

I cannot fathom the faith required by Abraham to give up his Isaac! Talk about a true treasure. We know the bond was great because God needed to test him in his devotion. Did Abraham love Isaac enough to choose to disobey God, even though the request was unconscionable? Or had he walked long enough in the relationship to trust God for what was unseen?

We learn from Scripture that Abraham was completely obedient with what God asked of him.

How could you possibly do this?

How could you even consider sacrificing your son? After all, you’ve been through to get him? How could you bind your only son, lay him on the altar, and commit to something so unthinkable?

I don’t think I’m alone in my quandary or reaching for something that cannot be born out in the text because the writer of Hebrews answers it.

I figured if God could bring him to life through a miracle, he could bring him BACK to life just the same…

It’s a stunning response that actually makes sense.

It was also personal. This is what God required of Abraham. It cannot be broadened for all people who would believe God. The same is true for you. Your call, your challenges, your instructions, will be personal. That is why it is so important to be in God’s word and diligent in prayer.

On the other hand, it wasn’t so personal. Abraham took what He believed God told him to do, weighed it against who God had shown Himself to be in the years of history they had developed together, and walked out the door. This was God’s business.

Somehow we need to acquire this balance.

As you pray, think about Abraham. What business of God are you about that’s wholly His but completely personal? Is it unthinkable? Pray. Let Him direct. If He asks, don’t stop. Walk out the door toward your completely personal, yet not-so-personal part in His plan.

This 21-day devotional is also available as a Plan on YouVersion. Follow along on your mobile device each day by searching “What if You Were the Plan?”

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