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21 Days of Prayer

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 10

America World’s goal is to make sure that orphaned children get the opportunity for a better life. We not only help provide shelter, food, education, and medical care to orphaned children around the world but most importantly, we help them get adopted into loving families. This year 100 children have already come home.

As we enter the Season of Hope we are once again entering into a 21-day time of prayer and fasting. Each day has a special scripture focus as well as a devotional written by America World adoptive mom, Cheri Strange. Enjoy Day 10 below, and please continue to join us each day for a time of prayer and devotion as we focus on meeting the needs of children worldwide.

Day 10 of 21 • This day’s reading

Lindsey and her husband were married only a few months before she needed surgery for endometriosis. She developed more complications and pain leading to another surgery a few years later. More years into marriage, the comfort into which they had grown with a childless house lessened. Over time, with the hope of growing a family traditionally gone, they realized they had left God out of the equation altogether.

Prayer for God’s plan for their family took precedent. It wasn’t a request for what was comfortable. They had grown to understand He was the orchestrator and designer of their lives. They simply wanted clarity for what God wanted for them. They began to trust Him with what seemed impossible. Then they just went about living their lives, right where they were planted.

It was simply a matter of time combined with circumstances only the Divine could harmonize before this story could become inspirational. Lindsey just happened to be in a Bible study group that suggested going with One Orphan on a Storyteller Missions trip to China. When she mentioned the possibility to her husband, she laughed as she told him what a crazy idea it was. And just like the laughter that came to Sarah and Abraham before the miracle, so did it come to this family.

Over the next weeks, God tendered Lindsey’s heart and she obediently went with her group to China to serve orphans to tell their stories. Although the purpose of the trip was altogether different, this young woman had a series of encounters, opportunities to pray, and discussions with her husband and authorities which resulted in the adoption of one of the children she met on this trip—a child who was not even available at the time.

Abraham and Sarah laughed at the prospect of Isaac in their physical states of impossibility. Lindsey laughed with her husband at the thought of making a journey half-way around the world with no prospect to speak of. In both cases, God responded to their willingness to trust whatever He had for them.

You see, God is still in the business of taking impossible situations and bringing laughter out of them. He can be trusted with your impossibility. What do you need to bring before Him today?

This 21-day devotional is also available as a Plan on YouVersion. Follow along on your mobile device each day by searching “What if You Were the Plan?”

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