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10 Stories of Hope – Week 7: Perspective from an Orphan in India

As we approach the end of 2014, we would like to share a few stories of how God has worked through America World Adoption to impact the lives of children around the world. We love this story, come from an adoption in India, and are certain that you will too!

To learn more about how you can join America World in providing for the basic needs of children worldwide, visit us here.

Finally, A Forever Family: Perspective from an Orphan in India

Our AWAA staff is honored to pray for the children we serve and are always excited to see God unite children with their forever families. Sometimes it can be discouraging to be praying for a child and yet they still don’t have a family. This is a story to remind us all that the Lord answers these prayers and bring forward families in His timing.

Mona and Lisa
Lisa Adams-Reese, Director of the AWAA India program, had a chance encounter 5 years ago with a very special little boy who resided in one of the orphanages she was visiting on behalf of families who were in the process of adopting. Mona was only 4 years old at the time and very much wanted and needed a family.
It was placed on Lisa’s heart from the moment she met him to pray diligently for a family for this little guy. He often felt sad as he watched so many other children around him being chosen for adoption and leaving with their families. Eventually AWAA staff also joined with her in praying for the right family to step forward. To Lisa’s astonishment, on one of her visits to the orphanage, the little boy revealed to her “I know I will find a family if God will give me a hand”. Lisa often shared this little boy’s story with all who were willing to listen, hoping it would spark an interest to find that family he so longed for all these years. Finally a pastor, who had recently adopted a child from India, joined in the mission and a family from this pastor’s church came forward for this precious child’s adoption.  Happily, 5 years later at age 9, we celebrate in knowing Mona’s is home with his forever family.  
When this sweet little boy learned the news that he now had a family of his own, like many of his friends, he was overjoyed.  We rejoice that he too can know the unconditional love of his forever family and through them will also learn of the unconditional love of our God. Please join us in praise for this little boy’s adoption!

From the Family…

Just this week, Mona saw a prayer/photo card we had given to friends and family to remember him in prayer while we were in the waiting process. He was pleased to see the photos on it of him as a toddler and at age 7 and 9. He wondered what the words (Psalm 68:5-6) said. I read and explained it to him and he got the biggest grin on his face. He loves that God put him in family!
When we arrived at the airport back on July 5, family and friends were there to meet us. Mona was so excited to see them. He spotted my dad in the crowd and made a beeline for him and literally jumped into his arms. (Lots of tears by many at that!) My dad said he feels like he and the rest of our family were adopted by Mona. It truly is amazing how quickly he attached to all of us. We had been praying that God would prepare his heart for family. We knew he already had the longing. God is good!
Mona has a new name by the way. When it finally sunk in that Sangeet had a new name, Levi, Mona wanted the name Levi too. He kept requesting a new name and gave us several suggestions, including Horse and Banana. We gave him the name Noah Emmanuel on  his birthday, Nov 1st. It hasn't taken him long to get accustomed to it and he is quick to correct us if we forget!

Be a Part of the Story…

We invite you to consider becoming a part of the story. Whether it is through sponsoring a child in Honduras, adopting a little one from China, welcoming an orphaned youth from Ukraine into your home for the holiday's, or joining us on a missions trip overseas to visit these precious kiddos, we believe that you can make a difference. For more on how you can be a part of the story, stop by our little corner of the web world.

Or maybe just be a part of the story and end 2014 with a whole lot of hope, by giving to our Isaiah 1:17 Fund.

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