10 Favorite Things About My Son
Like many of you reading this, I knew I wanted to adopt for many years and I envisioned myself adopting a little girl from China. When I met my husband and we were dating, the topic of adoption came up. I was very encouraged to hear that he also wanted to adopt. We got married and had a wonderful daughter, but we still wanted to adopt a child. We began the process in August 2012. We prayed and decided we were open to adopting a boy or a girl. Around Thanksgiving of 2013, we saw our little boy on the waiting list. We adopted our son from China in March of 2014.
The transition period in the first few weeks was not easy. But that was not because he was a boy! That was because he was a toddler in a new country with new people and his whole world had changed. We made it through with a lot of support and prayers from our family and friends.
Every day things are becoming easier and he is happier all the time. This week I asked him if he was happy that he came to live here with mommy and daddy and his sister. He said yes.
Let me brag a little bit about the newest member of our family. Here are 10 of my favorite things about our son:
1. He will eat almost anything I cook. He loves eggs, oatmeal, vegetables, soup, meat, rice, pasta. My daughter has always been a picky eater, so having a child who appreciates my cooking is very gratifying!
2. He is a mama's boy. He attached to me quickly and likes to be held.
3. He learns new words every day. We are amazed by his quick grasp of English. He is speaking in complete sentences already!
4. He loves books. When we first brought him home, he was not interested in books at all. Now, he will sit and hand us book after book. He says, “Read the book, ok?” He really enjoys visiting the library.
5. He is very affectionate. He says I love you, blows kisses, and gives us kisses and hugs. He is also very sweet with his sister and will not go to bed without hugging her.
6. He wants to make us laugh. He is always putting things on his head, hiding and jumping out, making faces, and trying to tickle us.
7. He has good hygiene. This kid loves taking a bath, washing his hands, brushing his teeth and combing his hair.
8. He is quite healthy, which is a blessing. Although he will require surgery in the future, his special need has not affected day to day life. He has the best immune system of anyone in our family.
9. Our son is friendly. He loves going to church and saying hello and bye bye to our friends.
10. He is adventurous and courageous. He enjoys the water slide at the pool and the rides at the fair. Today he rode a pony for the first time. He loves life!
I encourage you to pray and consider adopting a little boy. Boys need loving families just like girls do. And they can add to your family's joy just as a little girl can. Our son is a gift to us.
Thanks to Rebecca for sharing this awesome list about her son! Did you know that most families can complete the adoption process of a little boy through the China waiting children program in 12-16 months? Families who are open to boys and commonly seen medical needs can be matched while working on their dossier or almost immediately after. We currently have many boys available for adoption and have recently matched all but one of our families who have their dossier logged in and are open to boys, so the need is great! Please pray and consider if God is calling you to adopt a boy through China’s waiting children program. You can view boys and girls who are currently waiting for a family on our Waiting Children website. Please contact our staff at waitingchildren@awaa.org or by calling 800-429-3369 with any questions or if you are interested in reviewing a waiting child.