India Adoption
Want to adopt from India? America World is a Hague-accredited adoption agency in India and currently has children in India in need of forever families. Our experienced, caring India adoption team will provide personal attention to every detail of your adoption as we walk you through the entire procedure to adopt a child in India. America World has grown to be one of India's most respected adoption agencies. If you would like more information about the India adoption process, continue reading below to learn about India adoption requirements, the cost of child adoption in India, and more.
Waiting Children Available for Adoption: Children with minor to moderate medical needs of any age or healthy children or sibling sets over the age of six. Per the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA), India’s international adoption authority, healthy children under the age of six are not available for adoption to foreign families. While OCI and NRI clients…
Pre-Apply for Free
Timeline: | 18 - 24 months |
Heathy & Waiting Children: | Boys/Girls, 6 months - 15 years |
Parents Ages: | 27 - 55 |
Marriage: | 2 years |
Travel: | 2 weeks in India |
Estimated Costs: | $35,033 - $49,343 |
Adopting a Sibling Group
Interview with Julie Griggs, America World Adoptive Mom We have a growing number of sibling groups featured in our Waiting Child Photolistings. These children are available for international adoption with the hope they can find a home together. However, as time passes without a match for the group, chances increase that they could be split…