Adoption Support Groups

ACT Support Groups - Check These Groups Out & Sign Up!

Support Groups are often a key component of the adoptive family’s journey.  We know that it can be difficult to find people in your local community who share the same needs and desires when it comes to the level of adoption support you want.  That is why we have developed the group component of our ACT program – to bring together people from around the nation who “are in the same boat” so that you can learn, grow, and thrive together in your God-designed adoptive families, with the loving and professional support of our trained staff.

How Do Groups Gather and Connect?

Our support groups meet through videoconferencing.  You will be able to log in to a private meeting with a small group of other people led by an America World facilitator.  This can be done from your own home or office on your smartphone, tablet, or computer.  You have the ability to share your video so that the others in the group may see you.  This facilitates a more personal interaction using facial expressions and body language.

What are the Fees for Groups?

Some of our groups are offered at no cost, while others require a small fee.   This fee may vary, but is generally $25 for a 1-hour group session.  Some of our groups are ongoing, and some are educational groups which meet for a specific number of weeks.  For educational groups, the fees for the entire program are due at the time of registration.


Currently Offered Groups

Fall Schedule Coming Soon!


Email if you have a specific request for a group or class.