Our post-adoption and ACT Staff are here to help you! Feel free to reach out to our post-adoption team with any questions or concerns you may have at 800-429-3369, or We are happy to provide you with support and
help for any challenges you may be facing. We also have our ACT Team available if you feel you need more intense and ongoing services such as parent coaching or support groups. You can reach this team at

What is ACT? 

ACT is Adoption Coaching & Training, a program of America World Adoption that seeks to provide real help and support to families through the adoption process (training) and in the post adoption stage (support groups & one-on-one coaching) when things are going as planned.

ACT offers support groups for adopted tweens and teens and even a group for those who are experiencing the "post-adoption blues" (which is perfectly normal). Our qualified Coaches are there to help guide our support groups and provide meaningful assistance that will help your family get back on the right track when things are not as smooth as they should be.

The first step in connecting with the ACT team is to email us at for more information.  One of our ACT Coaches will be in touch with you within 1 to 2 business days to discuss your needs and our services further. If together we determine that this program is a good fit, you will receive documents that provide us with more detail about your current situation and give you complete information on the program.  Once you return the forms to us, you will be matched with a Coach or enrolled in a support group, and you will coordinate with the coach or leader for the first appointment.

For a list of current ACT Groups and events, visit our ACT Support Groups page!