Adoption Parent Coaching

post-adoption support


Adoption Coaching pairs an experienced adoption professional with a family to participate together in weekly sessions aimed at working through adoption-related issues.   Common reasons for coaching include behavioral struggles, post-adoption depression, learning to connect with your child, and more.  Coaching is very much like counseling, but we call it “coaching” because we are partnering with parents to provide you with the skills and support you need to help your child heal.   Depending on the age and maturity of your child, we can meet with him or her as well, to “coach” through struggles.  Coaching sessions are individualized to meet the family’s specific needs.

How Does Adoption Parent Coaching Happen?

The majority of our sessions are held through video-conference so that the coach and family can communicate more effectively with the benefit of facial expression and body language, and the sessions can be more easily scheduled around the family’s routine and needs.   We are pleased to provide our families with video-conferencing through the confidential and secure system, GoToMeeting.  This system can be easily accessed through your computer, tablet, or smartphone.  Once a session has been arranged, you will receive information about how to join your private meeting in this system.  If you are not comfortable with, or not able to use, video conferencing, we are glad to make other arrangements such as a phone session or, if available, in-person meetings.

What are the Fees for Adoption Parent Coaching?

Coaching sessions typically last 45 minutes and cost $75.  We are not able to accept insurance at this time.  Session fees may be paid online by credit card here, or by check received in our office at least 48 hours prior to the session.

While we always encourage families to seek local, face-to-face adoption-competent professional therapy, we recognize that this not always accessible because of distance, cost, or scheduling.  Our desire is to help your family in a way that is both highly effective as well as convenient.  If you are struggling in any way and wondering if coaching might be helpful, reach out to us at today for a free consultation, and we will be glad to help you determine if coaching is a good fit for your family.