America World is a licensed and Hague-accredited adoption agency in the state of Oklahoma that provides services for families and single women. We can provide home study services and post-adoption reports if you're adopting through America World or if you're using other placement agencies that meet our requirements.
Our Location
Our office is located in Stillwater, OK, but we can provide services to anyone within the state of Oklahoma. We will travel to you!
America World - OKLAHOMA
Stillwater, OK 74075
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM CT
Phone: 800-429-3369
Fax: 888-466-8922
Oklahoma Adoption Cost
America World wants to be sure you know what your true adoption costs are likely to be from the beginning, with no surprises or hidden fees.
Below are our fees for Oklahoma:
Oklahoma Social Services Fees - International
Oklahoma Social Services Fees - Domestic
While the cost may seem prohibitive, you can greatly reduce your out-of-pocket adoption costs through adoption grants, the Federal Adoption Tax Credit, employee adoption benefits, fundraisers, and more.
Be sure to visit our Financing Adoption page to learn how to reduce or eliminate your adoption expenses!
Local Resources
Meet Our Oklahoma Adoption Staff
Amber Lewis is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Oklahoma and has a Master of Science degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi. She has worked for America World since 2005, becoming familiar with the agency following her adoption of a daughter from China in 2003.
In her tenure with America World, she has worked both part-time and full-time, serving in various capacities, including Oklahoma director, clinical supervision, training development, and post-adoption support. She is a TBRI© Practitioner and has worked as a counselor for many years with high-needs children and their families in various settings.
She has four grown children and enjoys camping with her husband, quilting, and traveling.
Shanny Gelso
Oklahoma Home Study Coordinator
Shanny Gelso has experience in corrections, mental health services, social work, and child welfare. She loves working with domestic foster and adoptive families and is excited to work with the wonderful families who adopt through America World. She is married to my high school sweetheart, and they have two children. She enjoys reading, traveling, playing with their dogs, and spending time at the lake.
Leslie Klamm, M. Ed.
Oklahoma Home Study Coordinator
Leslie Klamm is a Home Study Coordinator in the NW part of Oklahoma! She has worked for America World since 2012 and in the field of private adoptions since 1996. She holds a Master’s of Education from Northwestern Oklahoma State University.
Her social service experience began with the State of Oklahoma as a Child Welfare Specialist. She and her husband have four children: 3 as biological gifts from God and one who entered their hearts first as a foster child prior to their adoption of him. They fostered for 11 years and gained 28 additional children into their hearts through this process.
She enjoys the connections she makes with adoptive families and loves being a resource so that families can reach out to share joys and ask questions.