America World is a licensed and Hague-accredited adoption agency in the state of New Jersey that provides services for families and single women. We can provide home study services and post-adoption reports if you're adopting through America World or if you're using other placement agencies that meet our requirements.

Our Location

We can provide services to anyone within the state of New Jersey. We will travel to you!

America World - NEW JERSEY
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET

Phone: 800-429-3369
Fax: 888-466-8922 

New Jersey Adoptions

New Jersey Adoption Cost

America World wants to be sure you know what your  true adoption costs  are likely to be from the beginning, with no surprises or hidden fees.

Below are our fees for New Jersey:

New Jersey Social Services Fees - International

New Jersey Social Services Fees - Domestic

While the cost may seem prohibitive, you can greatly reduce your out-of-pocket adoption costs through adoption grants, the Federal Adoption Tax Credit, employee adoption benefits, fundraisers, and more.

Be sure to visit our Financing Adoption page to learn how to reduce or eliminate your adoption expenses!

New Jersey Adopted Children

Meet Our New Jersey Adoption Staff

Kristen Mallory, LMSW

Senior Director of Social Services, Director of Social Services-NJ, Assistant Director of Developing Programs (Colombia and Bulgaria)

Kristen is a social worker who has focused her career on services to families and children and feels fortunate to have worked with many families as they explore the unique challenges and joys of building their families through adoption. She joins America World with over 15 years of adoption experience, working with families through the home study process, directly overseeing intercountry adoption programs, and supporting prospective adoptive families during referral and travel and in the post-adoption period.

Kristen has worked with families adopting internationally and domestically, expectant mothers, and adoption and other human service agencies through their accreditation process to support best practices and positive outcomes for families and children. She is the Senior Director of Social Services, Director of Social Services-NJ, and Assistant Director of Developing Programs (Colombia and Bulgaria). She holds a BA in International Relations and an MS in Social Work and resides in Massachusetts with her family.

Ernie Rivera

Home Study Coordinator - NJ

Ernie Rivera has been involved in various social service settings since 2008. Initially, he provided intensive case management services to families of children with behavioral and mental health challenges. Later, he worked with immigrant and refugee children and teenagers, offering home study and post-release case management services.

Since 2014, Ernie has obtained a Master’s degree in Human Services, specializing in Marriage and Family Counseling. He is currently dedicated to full-time ministry, where he continues pursuing his passion for helping families achieve healing and wholeness. He is excited to collaborate with AWAA in serving families in New Jersey.