The Beal Family (India)
2 years, 3 months and 17 days… It‘s not exactly the 3…2…1… countdown you’re used to growing up. It’s not even the 9 to 10-month countdown ending with a trip to the Delivery Room and nurses tending to your every post-delivery need. No, this is the countdown of an adoptive family, our adoptive family to be exact.
12/13/13 was the start of this story and here’s Day 1 of the rest of our the story.
I woke up early this morning, partially because the time difference between here and Pacific Standard Time is perfectly bad, and the biggest reason of all… we meet Baby A today. (Apparently, I can’t write that without crying.) I’m up, so I figured I’d write a little bit to time-stamp the day in my mind and on paper.
Now, I normally like to write pieces/stories that fully explain where I’m at and how I’m feeling, so the reader can almost exactly experience what I’m feeling. While that is awfully tempting, especially because our appointment at the orphanage isn’t for another 3 hours, I’ll simply write this…
We, two small people…were given a big plan…by a big God…Who planted a small seed…in our big hearts…which led us to a small hotel…in a big country…where a small girl…sleeps in a small bed…in a small orphanage…dreaming big dreams.
Today, all the bigs and smalls collide into one incredibly huge moment, when we get to share 2 years, 3 months and 17 days worth of built-up love with one who’s never known such love… the one God put on our hearts way back then.
The joy from that moment will radiate throughout this big ole world through texts, emails, and social media. God will use this one big embrace by three small people to affect a multitude of people and possibly cause others to adopt. Today, removing the “Orphan” title from one could lead to the same removal from many others… and that right there is simply the most incredible thing I could ever imagine coming from this.
God uses the small to do the unimaginably big… Our lives will be forever changed by today. I hope seeing our story played out in front of you will allow you to see what big could come from your small and that you might take a leap of faith to see it come to fruition.